
Step-View™ 20kD Marker (un-stained)
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Step-view™ 20kD marker is a mixture of 8 recombinant purified protein whose molecular weights are well-adjusted. Step-view™ 20kD protein molecular weight standard is available in a ready-to-use formula (no need to boil before use), and is suitable for sizing proteins between 20,000 and 140,000 Da by SDS-PAGE.

- 20 kDa size increment (20 – 140 kDa, easy size estimation)
- Highly purified and blended 8 recombinant proteins
- His-tag sequence in the proteins enables detection on western blots by anti-6x His antibody

Recommended loading volume
- 5 ㎕/lane for a mini-gel (10 x 8㎠, 0.75㎜ or 1㎜ thick)
- 10-15 ㎕/lane for a large-gel (30 x 20㎠, 1㎜ or 1.5㎜ thick)

Recommended storage condition
- Store at -20℃ for one year

※ Please aliquot in a small volume for prevention of repeated freezing & thawing 

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